This forum is a free service intended to connect consumers with sellers of forest products.

It also provides for consumer comment about these sellers and their products. Each topic below is dedicated to a particular service. Anyone can post notices advertising forest products for sale here without charge.
The IFA assumes no responsibility or risk for the quality or safety of the products advertised here. The IFA does not conduct any background checks on sellers promoting their products here and therefore assumes no responsibility for the integrity of the Sellers listing here. It is not possible for the IFA to be involved in the actual sale or exchange of merchandise, the transfer of funds, or any refund transactions.
SELLERS: To advertise your products, post a comment to the topic most applicable to your product. Your email address and phone number are required within the comment. Also include your location and the number of years in which you have been selling, and any of the following which might apply to your product: size, quantity, color, processing, container, and whether delivery is an option.
POTENTIAL CONSUMERS: (both IFA members and the public) Browse these comments for product offerings. Consumers are advised to contact sellers and meet in-person to sample or view the seller's wares before purchase. If you buy from one of these Sellers, you are encouraged to post a reply to the seller's original comment describing your experience with that provider. Your reply must include your email address to allow others to ask further about your experience, to reduce anonymous trashing of Sellers, and to allow Sellers to contact you if you were dissatisfied. Any replies without an email address will be removed.
The IFA reserves the right to delete any comments or replies posted on this forum for whatever reason, and the right to ban postings from any individual(s) or for any products that the IFA deems unsuitable for this forum.