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Sangamon County: 2014 Conservation Congress

  • 04/11/2014
  • 9:00 AM
  • 04/12/2014
  • 4:00 PM
  • IDNR Headquarters, Springfield
This is the culminating event of the Illinois DNR's most ambitious outreach activity.  Following last year's regional roundtables, and this year's webcasts and roundtables, and online survey, this 2014 Conservation Congress two-day event at IDNR headquarters in Springfield will pull all of the submitted and suggested ideas together to achieve the Congress theme - "Charting a Course To Protect and Preserve Our Natural Resources".

While the public is invited to attend this free event, the IDNR realizes that many will not be able to travel to Springfield.  So, the proceedings will be available in real time for members of the public who cannot attend in person.  Sessions will feature priority-setting on a range of topics discussed during the regional meetings and live webcasts, and will incorporate the results of the online survey.  In addition, IDNR intends to provide an update on the IDNR Sustainability Law, as well as host panel discussions on two key topic areas: IDNR: Advocate vs. Regulator; and, Apex Predators.

Registration and a detailed agenda will be available in February.  For more information on the online survey, live webcasts, or the Conservation Congress statewide meeting, check the IDNR website at, or contact Elizabeth Norden by email at

As mentioned above, the IDNR will be conducting a survey to solicit public opinion during the week of January 13th.  To complete that survey, visit the IDNR website HERE.  That linked page also provides much background information for the Conservation Congress progress and agenda.

Please check the IDNR website for exact location and times.
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