Our educational program follows: Timber Sales, Timber Taxes (basis, depletion, and capital gains), Tree Felling using the open notch method, Natural Regeneration of oak and other fine hardwoods, Weed and Shrub ID including invasives and control measures, and Crop Tree Management or overcoming your fear of
thinning. Your questions are welcomed.
On Friday evening we will hold our banquet at the Red Dome Inn located on the West side of the Square in Pittsfield, Here you can learn about timber taxes and enter your prize walnuts in our Nut competition. Bring only clean nuts!
WE MEED YOUR RESERVATION FOR THE BANQUET BY AUGUST 30TH. We have to give the restaurant a head count.
Banquet $20 Lunch on Saturday $5 Total $25
If you don't eat any meals registration is free.
Please include a note listing those attending, your email, and phone. Send your note and a check to Kate Scott, Director, Il Walnut Council, 12288 Friends Creek, Cisco,IL 61830
If you run up on the deadline go ahead and register by calling Dan Schmoker at 217 529 0061 and pay when you arrive.
Our presenters include Lenny Farlee, Extension Forester with the Hardwood Tree Improvement Center at Purdue. Lenny will give a talk on Timber Taxes and Crop Tree Management. Other notables will speak like the Steve and Dan show on pruning and nuclear fission. John Torbert will demonstrate his lumberjack skills. Jeremy Parish will conduct a session on plant ID and control measures. Our special quest will be Scott Lamer, District Forester, IDNR.
DIRECTIONS: From I-72. exit at #35, Griggsville/Pittsfield. Go South toward Pittsfield. Drive 1/2 mile. Turn right, head West on Township Road 1800N about 1/4 mile. Tree Farm is on the right hand side of the road. Watch for sign and colored flagging. If lost call Dan 217 4161587
Watson Hotel, 14 rooms, 105 E Washington Tel 217 285 6030
Monroe Street Suites, 6 rooms, 221 S Monroe, Tel 217 285 6129
Green Acres Motel, 625 W Washington, Tel 217 285 2166
Knights Inn, 1238 W Washington, Tel 217 285 2129
Handicap access is limited. We can transport via 4 Wheeler. We will try to accomodate your needs.
This event should not be missed, your attendance will benefit you. Additional information and any changes will be available on the web at Walnutcouncil.org or ilforestry.org (Ilinois Forestry Association)
Members and non members both are encouraged to attend. Make time, participate and you will be a better Tree Farmer.