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Webinar: Introduction to Silviculture Practices for Private Woodlands

  • 10/19/2011
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Internet
Woodland owners often hear foresters discussing the use of silviculture as the best means to sustainable manage private forested property.  Deliberate and attentive management, using silvicultural principles and practices, can help woodland owners better accomplish their objectives.  Join Dr. Peter Smallidge, Cornell University Cooperative Extension - Department of Natural Resources, for this webinar to learn more about silviculture and it's benefits to private woodlands.  The webinar will define silviculture, describe the components of the forest manipulated through silviculture, discuss and illustrate examples of tools and practices used, and illustrate the changes in a forest following different types of silvicultural activities.

The Cornell University webinar is free and open to all, but registration is required.  Once registered, you will receive notification of how to connect to each of their webinars the day preceding the event (in this case on Tuesday, 10/18).  To learn more and to register, CLICK HERE
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