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Webinar: An Explanation of Defects in Hardwood Timber

  • 08/17/2011
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Internet
Hardwood defects include any feature that reduces the grade and ultimately lowers the utility or commercial value of a standing tree or log. Lumber graders know this too well, but expertise in the woods is often lacking. Some hardwood defects are on the surface and are more easily observed; others are interior and become apparent once timber is cut down and the surface on the log end is observed. This presentation lists a number of defects, their characteristics and cause, and whether or not their effect can be offset by adjustments in scaling. Having a solid grasp on hardwood defects is essential when appraising, selling or purchasing timber and logs.

Presented by David Mercker, Extension Forester, University of Tennessee.

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