Identify and apply short and long term restoration activities to enhance wildlife habitat. We will identify the places wildlife habitat exists in an example ecosystem, describe how wildlife impacts the ecosystem and how management and restoration could impact wildlife. You will consider the specific biology & ecology of the plants, animals, and sites involved when making effective restoration plans and discuss how to implement monitoring plans to assess effectiveness of restoration. We will discuss and describe how trees, plants, and other species of concern exist as part of interdependent ecosystems.
Instructor: Chris Benda, visiting plant ecologist at Illinois Natural History Survey
Notes: Held online, indoors and outdoors. Please dress for the weather for the in-person class, with long sleeves and long pants/sturdy foot wear. Limit 20
Supplies: Please bring a water bottle and materials for writing in the field. We will take a one hour lunch break - please bring a sack lunch or plan to purchase lunch at the Gingko Restaurant.
Course number: W340
SCHEDULE AND LOCATION: Registration closes: 11:59 p.m., Thursday, March 2, 2017. Online component begins: Friday, March 3, 2017. In person component: Saturday, March 11, 2017, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Thornhill Education Center, The Morton Arboretum
Nonmembers: Fees include admission to the Arboretum.
$55.00 members (of The Morton Arboretum)
$64.00 nonmembers
CALL: 630-719-2468 (or to be wait listed)
IN PERSON: Stop by the Visitor Center during open hours.