Participants in this two-day, hands- on chainsaw safety course taught by Extension Forester Jay Hayek will build upon all the topics covered in Levels 1-2, with greater emphasis placed on advanced techniques necessary to overcome difficult trees. Advanced topics include felling plans and safety assessments for difficult trees; wedge segments and wedging techniques; bucking and limbing techniques for logs and limbs under compression and tension; and handling spring poles.
Maximum enrollment is 10 people. The registration fee is $40 per attendee, which includes lunch on both days. This course runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on October 14-15, 2016. Meet at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, 354 State Highway 145 N, Simpson, IL. Attendees must have previous chainsaw training experience equivalent to Levels 1-2.
To register: http://web.extension.illinois. edu/state/calendar_event.cfm?ID=72973.
For more information, including additional training courses planned for the future, contact Chris Evans at (phone 618/695-3383) or Jay Hayek at (phone 217/244-0534). University of Illinois College of ACES - USDA - Local Extension Councils Cooperating - provide equal opportunities in programming and employment. If you need reasonable accommodations to participate in this program, contact the Dixon Springs Ag Center at 618/695-3383.